
A spacious indoor auditorium to give a canvas to the students to paint their extra curriculum activities with stage presentations. Curriculum activities with stage presentations. The indoor auditorium can accommodate more than 500 people at a time and the outdoor stage gives a place to share the talents in a lovely environment. CAEHS hosts lots of seminars/workshops with talks presented in the campus and auditorium serves a place for the rendezvous to rejoice.       

The Seminar Halls having a seating capacity of over 150 students are equipped with latest audio-visual systems including LCD projectors and are perfect for seminars, cultural programmes and other events like corporate quizzes, group discussions, paper presentations, role plays etc. The acoustic effect has been achieved with absolutely innovative techniques.

CAEHS has a Conference Hall equipped with LCD / Computer projectors and sound systems, making it an appropriate place for Faculty Development Programmes, Management Development Programmes and Executive Development Programmes.